
From The MegaTF/TeamFortress Wiki!
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Here you can find all of the information on almost any map created! The point of this is to maintain all of the original information on every map as well as providing a player description and review for each.

Maps by Category

TeamFortress Game Mode: Specialty Maps:

Or Sort By:

Reviews & Synopsis

We do need some help with some map pages! Here is a list of the maps that need a player review or synopsis:
Maps that need a player review!
Maps that need a player synopsis!

Please feel free to add your review/synopsis!


Also, over the years, there has been a lot of information lost to time. Here is a list of the maps where we're missing the original '.txt' file information from the author. If you happen to have some of these '.txt' files, please let an admin know and we can get it added!

Maps that are missing their original .txt from the author.


Special thanks goes to Night Hunter aka [SD] Hunter, host of the website for letting us use his reviews on many of the maps! (Note that they were all translated from Russian to English and to expect the translated reviews to have some grammar issues :D )


Maps where all we have is the .bsp
Maps w/no page that need a screenshot with NO orig .txt
Maps w/no page that need a screenshot that have orig .txt
Maps that need a screenshot to complete their page
Maps that need misc information to complete their page