General Config

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MegaTF Commands

To bind a key for any command, add it to the appropriate config as:

bind key command


bind mouse2 reload // assigns the mouse2 key to reload your current weapon

Commands Available for Scout

+Gren1    Flash Grenade
+Gren2    Concussion Grenade
Drop1     Flash Mine
Drop2     Toaster
Drop3     Disarm Detpack
Jetjump   A short burst with the jetpack. (aka "special")
Scan10    Scans for nearby enemies.    
Scan30    Scans for nearby enemies.    
Scan100   Scans for nearby enemies.    

Commands Available for Sniper

+Gren1    Regular Grenade
+Gren2    Flare
Drop1    Alarm (Notifies you that a enemy as tripped your alarm)
Drop2    Toaster
Drop3    Summon Airstrike
+spot    Activate spotlight (only while rifle is primed, and laser sight is enabled)
dot      Toggle laser sight while rifle is primed

Commands Available for Soldier

+Gren1    Regular Grenade
+Gren2    Nail Grenade
Drop1     Spike Traps 
Drop2     Toaster
Drop3     Proxy Grenade

Commands Available for Demoman

+Gren1    Regular Grenade
+Gren2    MIRV Grenade
Drop1     Air MIRV
Drop2     Toaster
Detpipe   Detonates Pipebombs
+det5     5 Second Detpack
+det20    20 Second Detpack
+det50    50 Second Detpack

Commands Available for Medic

+Gren1    Regular Grenade
+Gren2    Concussion Grenade
Drop1     Syringe
Drop2     Toaster
Drop3     Heal Self

Commands Available for Heavy Weapons Guy

+Gren1   Regular Grenade
+Gren2   MIRV Grenade
Drop1    Spike Traps x2
Drop2    Toaster

Commands Available for Pyro

+Gren1    Regular Grenade
+Gren2    Napalm Grenade
Drop1     Lava Pool
Drop2     Toaster

Commands Available for Spy

+Gren1    Regular Grenade
+Gren2    Gas Grenade
Drop1     Ammo Trap (Takes all ammo/grens from enemies)
Drop2     Toaster
Drop3     Camera
Disguise  Brings up disguise menu to change to an enemy disguise
Feign     Feign Death (Makes you look like a dead body fooling the enemy)

Commands Available for Engineer

impulse 1 = spanner (used to heal teammate armor and interact with builds)
impulse 2  = toggle railgun / super railgun (select MegaTF versions only)
impulse 3 = super shotgun
drop1 = place magnetic mine
drop2 = throw toaster
drop3 = launch laser drone
build = open build menu
detdispenser = remotely detonate dispenser (causes small damage to enemy)
detsentry = remotely detonate sentry gun

Commands available to All Classes

bind "key" discard // discards excess ammo
bind "key" drop2 //toaster is available to all classes
bind "key" dropflag // drop the flag (older, can use throwflag now)
bind "key" holo //place temporary holograph of self
bind "key" inv // show item inventory in console
*bind "key" kill //commit suicide
bind "key" lay // toggle laying/standing mode
bind "key" mega // access mega tf menu
bind "key" reload //reload weapon
bind "key" +showscores //show scoreboard
bind "key" say_ofstatus //teamsay status of our flag to team
bind "key" say_efstatus //teamsay status of enemy flag to team
bind "key" throwflag //throws the flag
autoid_on // enable auto identification of players visible in crosshair
autoid_off // disable auto identification of players visible in crosshair
autodiscard_on // enable auto discard of un-needed ammo. not recommended for engineer, will discard ammo needed for builds
autodiscard_off // disable auto discarding