Setup A Server

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Step 1. Download your server executeable, extract or place it in your existing Quake folder. You must already have all of the Quake and MegaTF files in order to host a server. See Servers for executables.

  • If you would like to use your client's built in server, as in Ezquake or FTE, skip this step.

Step 2. Download the MegaTF server code, which is contained in a file called qwprogs.dat, and place it in your ../quake/fortress/ folder. See Servers#MegaTF_Progs

Step 3. Create a server.cfg in ..quake/fortress/ with all of the settings you wish to use on the server. See Setup_A_Server#Server_Configuration

Step 4. If you want others to join over the internet: Learn about port forwarding for your router. Open port 27500 and make sure incoming connections on that port are forwarded to the local IP address of the machine running the Quake server.

Step 5. Launch server with the game set to "fortress" (method varies by server). Load a map by typing "map mapname" in console.

  • Alternatively if you are using a client with a built-in server, launch the client and type "gamedir fortress" in the console, followed by "map mapname" of your choice. Your session with be both client and server.

Step 6. Play by launching a Quake client and using the command "connect localhost".

Step 7. Use an online service such as to determine your public IP address so that you can tell others to join your server.

Server Configuration

Some example configs for the various popular servers

Whomever added this -- Can we get a description?

localinfo exec_map_cfgs         on              // execute map specific configuration files
localinfo respawn_delay         0               // delay respawning by this many seconds
localinfo use_standard          off             // use war standards instead of flag models
localinfo flag_emu              off              // use flags instead of key models on older maps
localinfo default               off             // default mode (CAUTION: THIS OVERRIDES A LOT OF SETTINGS BELOW)
localinfo faithful              off             // faithful mode (CAUTION: THIS OVERRIDES A LOT OF SETTINGS BELOW AND TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER "DEFAULT MODE") // gameplay settings
localinfo drop_grenades         on              // drop primed hand grenades to ground when dying
localinfo drop_grenpack         on              // drop grenades in backpack upon death
localinfo drop_gren1            4               // maximum grenades type 1 to drop in backpack (0...4)
localinfo drop_gren2            4               // maximum grenades type 2 to drop in backpack (0...4)
localinfo old_grenades          on              // use old concussion, gas and flash grenades
localinfo grentimers            on              // enable built-in grenade timers
localinfo old_hp_armor          off             // use old hp/armor values
localinfo spawnfull             off             // spawn with full armor and ammo
localinfo stockfull             on              // stock full armor and ammo
localinfo id_extended           off             // display extra identify information
localinfo classtips             off              // display class tips when spawning
localinfo remember_weapon       on              // remember current/last weapon across deaths
localinfo discammo_pickup       on             // pick up discardable ammo from discarded backpacks
localinfo old_dropflag          off             // use old dropflag behaviour (enabled only on specific maps)
localinfo reload_cliptick       on              // show ticking clip ammo when reloading
serverinfo fbskins		0		// 0=normal skins, 1=fullbrightskins  // class specific settings
localinfo scoutdash             on              // allow scout dash
localinfo sniperreload          on              // use sniper reload
localinfo old_sniperrange       off             // use old (shorter) sniper rifle range
localinfo sniperpower           on              // display sniper rifle power in status bar
localinfo sniperreloadpercent   on              // display sniper rifle reload percentage in status bar
localinfo medicaura             on              // allow medic aura
localinfo old_biodamage         on             // use old bioweapon damage (7 damage per 3 seconds instead of every second)
localinfo old_medikit           on             // use old medikit behaviour (heal max, then 5 hp per hit up to max+50 hp)
localinfo detpipe_limit         6               // maximum allowed pipebombs per demoman
localinfo detpipe_limit_world   8               // maximum allowed pipebombs in world (-1 = no limit)
localinfo old_pipecooldown      off             // use old pipebomb cooldown (0.8 seconds) instead of new (0.5 seconds)
localinfo cannon_lock           off             // allow assault cannon lock mechanism
localinfo cannon_air            off             // allow assault cannon fire in air
localinfo cannon_move           off             // allow movement while firing assault cannon
localinfo cannon_movespin       off             // make assault cannon spin while moving (enabling this will also enable cannon_move)
localinfo cannon_conc           on              // make hwguy susceptible to concussion grenade while firing assault cannon
localinfo cannon_accuracy       0               // assault cannon accuracy (0 = default, 1 = tf 2.8, 2 = tf 2.9)
localinfo flame_knockback       on              // flamethrower knock back
localinfo old_spanner           on              // use old spanner behaviour (bring up menu instead of automatically choose action)
localinfo old_railgun           on              // use old railgun behaviour (penetrate targets)
localinfo old_dispenser         off             // use old dispenser behaviour (no auto stock, fixed restocking)
localinfo disp_explosion        on              // more damage by dispenser explosions
localinfo build_water           on              // allow building in water
localinfo buildstatus           on              // show build progress percentage in status bar
localinfo spyinvis              off             // invisible spies
localinfo feign_air             on              // allow feign death in air
localinfo feign_pack            off             // drop an empty backpack when feigning death
localinfo feign_msg             off             // print fake death message when feigning death // movement settings
serverinfo pm_ktjump            0.5             // jumpfix (0...1 = add (100*n)% vertical velocity when jumping down a ramp)
serverinfo pm_bunnyspeedcap     1.1               // cap bunny jumping speed (0 = off, 1 or higher = cap to (n * class maxspeed))
serverinfo pm_slidefix          1               // fix sliding on slopes (0 = off, 1 = on)
serverinfo pm_airstep           1               // allow jumping up stairs (0 = off, 1 = on)
serverinfo pm_pground           1               // persistent onground flag - makes pm_airstep work better (0 = off, 1 = on)  // teamkill settings
teamplay                        1300            // teamplay (1 = enable team damage, 1300 = disable team damage)
localinfo autokick_kills        4               // auto kick team killers who kill this many teammates...
localinfo autokick_time         60              // ...during this period of time (seconds) // team settings
localinfo autoteam              off             // auto team assignment
localinfo teamfrags             off             // no individual frags, just team cap frags
localinfo fullteamscore         off             // every team member carry the total frags for the team// class restrictions
localinfo cr_scout              0               // restrict scouts (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_sniper             0               // restrict snipers (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_soldier            0               // restrict soldiers (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_demoman            0               // restrict demomen (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_medic              0               // restrict medics (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_hwguy              0               // restrict hwguys (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_pyro               0               // restrict pyros (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_spy                0               // restrict spies (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_engineer           0               // restrict engineers (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n)
localinfo cr_randompc           0               // restrict random player class (-1 = disallow, 0 = allow, 1+ = restrict to n) // clan settings
localinfo clan                  off             // clan mode
localinfo prematch              0              // prematch time (minutes) before game starts (clan mode only)
localinfo locked_game           off             // don't let anyone in once game starts
fraglimit                     0         // fraglimit
timelimit                     0        // timelimit
teamplay                      1         // teamplay
deathmatch                    3         // deathmatch mode // max clients
maxclients                    10        // maximum clients
maxspectators                 6         // maximum spectators // administrative settings
gamedir                       fortress  // gamedir
sv_gamedir                    fortress  // gamedir
pausable                      0         // pausable
samelevel                     0         // same level after match ends // flood protection
floodprot                     10 1 1    // flood protection - allow x messages per y seconds, else silence for z seconds
floodprotmsg                  "quiet!"  // flood protection message for client // client interaction settings
timeout                       65        // seconds to wait for zombies
serverinfo maxfps             77        // maximum frames to send to client per second
sv_maxspeed                   320       // maximum player (walking) speed
sv_mapcheck                   1         // check map checksums (0 = no, 1 = yes) // system settingssv_mintic         0.01      // minticsv_maxtic                     0.03 // maxtic // physics settings
sv_friction                   6         // ground friction
sv_waterfriction              1         // water friction
watervis		      1          // what to allow clients to download from server
allow_download                1         // allow downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_maps           1         // allow map downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_skins          1         // allow skin downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_sounds         1         // allow sound downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_models         1         // allow model downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
// qizmo settings
// -- add the values corresponding to the settings you want to use
//   1   = disable %-reporting
//   2   = disable use of powerup timer
//   4   = disable use of soundtrigger
//   8   = disable use of lag features
//  16   = make qizmo report any changes in lag settings
//  32   = silent %e enemy vicinity reporting (reporter doesn't see the message)
//  64   = spectators can't talk to players and vice versa (voice)
// 128   = silent %x and %y (reporter doesn't see the message)
// 256   = disable skin forcing
// 512   = disable color forcing
// 32768 = disable forward rocketjump
// serverinfo fpd                33778     // 33778 = 2 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 32768


// ===============================
// This config contains settings that
// are unique for the custom server
// "mvdsv". If you can't find a setting
// you thought would be here, check out
// server.cfg in the same directory.
// There are more settings in the following files:
//  ./qw/server.cfg - server (legacy qwsv) settings
//  ./qw/ban_ip.cfg - list of banned ip numbers
//  ./fortress/fortress.cfg - classic fortress mod setting
// spectator settings
sv_forcespec_onfull           1         // turn connecting players into spectators if the server is full (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_sayteam_to_spec            0         // send say_team messages to spectators (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_specprint                  0         // show spectators some info (1 = centerprint, 2 = sprint, 4 = stuffcmd) // modification filename
sv_progsname                  qwprogs   // name of mod file without extention
sv_progtype                   0         // progtype (0 = .dat, 1 = .so/.dll, 2 = .qvm)
sv_enableprofile              0         // profiling of qvm mods (0 = off, 1 = on) // security settings
sv_crypt_rcon                 0         // rcon encryption (0 = off, 1 = on)
sv_timestamplen               60        // time (seconds) during rcon command which encryption is valid
sv_rconlim                    3         // limit of rcon requests per second // demo settings
sv_demoExtraNames             0         // show player names in demo filenames (0 = show team only, 1 = show player names)
sv_demotxt                    0         // create demo .txt (0 = off, 1 = on)
sv_demodir                    demos     // demos directory name
sv_maxdownloadrate            100000    // maximum download client rate
sv_downloadchunksperframe     4         // increase chunked download speed rate (1=77kB/s, 4=308kB/s)
sv_onrecordfinish             mvdfinish // name.qws will be started after demo recording is finished
sv_demoMaxDirSize             4096000   // maximum demos dir size. 4096000=4GB
sv_demoClearOld               10        // if total demos size > sv_demoMaxDirSize, this will delete x demos
sv_demoUseCache               1         // use cache when writing demos (0 = off, 1 = on)
fs_cache                      0         // something to do with demos and lag (0 = preferred) // what to allow clients to download from server
allow_download_pakmaps        0         // allow pak map downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes)
allow_download_demos          0         // allow demo downloads from server (0 = no, 1 = yes) // minping settings
sv_minping                    0         // minping for server (0 = off)
sv_enable_cmd_minping         0         // cmd minping (0 = off, 1 = on) // miscellaneous settings
sv_loadentfiles               1         // load .ent files (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_getrealip                  1         // get real ip (0 = off, 1 = on connect failure, 2 = on failure drop)
sv_use_dns                    0         // dns lookup (0 = off, 1 = on)
sv_reconnectlimit             0         // throttle reconnecting players for x seconds
sv_unfake                     1         // auto unfake any mm1 messages (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_kicktop                    1         // kick topcolor spammers (0 = no, 1 = yes)
sv_speedcheck                 1         // anti speed cheat code from AM101, slows cheaters down to normal speed
sv_reliable_sound             1         // reliable sounds channel, prevents missing sounds during PL (0 = off, 1 = on)
sys_select_timeout            10000     // timeout in micro seconds for function select in main loop
sys_restart_on_error          1         // restart on error (0 = no, 1 = yes)
qtv_streamport                27500     // qtv port
serverinfo fpd                256       // 256 = disable skin forcing // logging
sv_logdir                     qw/logs   // logdir