Game Scanner
Customizable server browser for various oldschool games including Quake.
Ensure your Master Server for Quakeworld is set to:
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QWDtools is a powerful tool to convert QWD demos (first person view only) into MVD demos, allowing whoever is watching the demo to change POV as well as float around. Thus it was used by several QW Movie authors in order to freely position the 'camera' and capture a trick from another angle or position. The QWD to MVD conversion will automatically compress the demo, reducing its file size to a fractional amount.
PakScape: PAK File Explorer
Pak file explorer and editor
QME: Quake Model Editor
View and edit models
Download: QME 3.0 Installer Upgrade: QME 3.1 Upgrade
Ented: TF Entity Editor
More of a mapper's tool, but useful if you want to do something like upgrade all the backpacks in a map and remove all the slow respawning ammo.
Download: Ented Editor