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Amethyst - Download this map!

Image Map Info Player Synopsis/Review
  • amth1.bsp: Amethyst
  • Author: bliP
  • Created: 05/07/2002
  • Size: 450K
  • Info: Duel, Sniper War, CTF 2 Teams
  • Map Size: Small 2-16 players

The map consists of three parts: Duel, Standard CTF and a Sniper War arena.

Player Synopsis: The first is an octagonal duel arena, for the first two teams. The arena is quite ordinary, for playing 1 on 1, there is nothing special to describe. Unless classes on it are accessible only arcade, that is from the third on the seventh.

The second is a small level for normal flags playing, for the other two teams. For the flag given, 5 points are given. The bases, as usually separated by water, with a bridge across it. The ground and waterways lead to the base itself. Forts are actually a big flag. There are three ways to the base (in the flagship), but for one of them it is necessary to blow up the wall with a detpak, and for the second one to jump on the roof to the roof of the fort. In general it is quite playable.

The third is the main joke. It consists in the fact that if you go to the map, you choose a class sniper, you will not be born with everyone, but on a separate sniper part of the map. This part is made in the image and likeness of the classic sniprwar. Although, the design and proportions are somewhat modified. Thus, snipers can safely posnayperet each other, nedokuchaet that plays on the flags.

Player Review: The whole idea of ​​the card is simple to genius. Everyone will be able to find on it that which is more to his liking. Again, good server space savings. But it seems to me that the main, that is, the flag part of the map could be made more interesting ...

From the author:


Title : Amethyst

Filename : amth1.bsp

Author : bliP

Date : 7 May 2002

Web :

Email :

Description : TeamFortress v2.8+ Quake Duel/Sniper/CTF Map


Play Information

This map is designed for TeamFortress v2.8+ (

Single Player : No

Cooperative : No

Deathmatch (2-32) : No

TeamFortress (2-32) : Yes

Difficulty Settings : No

New Sounds : No

New Graphics : No

New Music : No

Demos Replaced : None


Base : New level

Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6a, EntEd, Notepad

Known Bugs : None

Build Time : 3 Weeks

Qbsp : 15 seconds

Vis : 33 seconds

Light : 186 seconds

Game Play

This is a two player duel, sniper war and small CTF map.

Red and Blue team - 1 player per team:

 Fight in a small arena.
 Classes: Soldier, Demoman, Medic, Pyro, Engineer and RandomPC

Yellow and Green team - any number of players:

 Snipers: Sniper War in small 2fort.
 All other classes: Play in small CTF map.
                    Take the enemy flag from their base and
                    capture at your flag point for 5 frags.

Note: This map is designed for individual frags as the player who

     captures the flag gets 5 frags and not the whole team.


Files: amth1.bsp - The map.

amth1.txt - You're reading it now.

Unzip into your fortress\maps directory.


Copyright © 2002 bliP All rights reserved

Feel free to distribute this map as long as this text file is included.