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Hexagon 3 - Download this map!

Image Map Info Player Synopsis/Review

A duel map for TF

Player Synopsis: The map is a six-coal arena. You can play a team for a team. Grenades of the second type are not given at birth and in the nuts.

Player Review: Stylish and practical. It's a pity the ceilings are too low :)

From the author:

____________This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.6 quakeC mod__________



Title: Hexagon3 filename: Author: William [InK]W.Hudson Email: Description: TeamFortress Quake Duel Map completed: 18/12/99 (about 15 days after the original was released)




This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from or from


Single player: yes (if you get really, really bored) Cooperative: no Deathmatch: no (but I may make a DM version) TeamFortress: yes Difficulty settings: no New sounds: yes New graphic: no New models: none New music: Not really (I set the default cd track to 6, that's pretty unusual, it is normally 1,3 or 4) Demos replaced: none Level vised: hell no, there isn't any water or other liquids so why would I?




Base: New map Editor(s) utilities used: Worldcraft 1.5b (unregistered) Ented (unregistered) Wad files used: IKbase wad by Likka Keranen (not sure if I used this wad) Jug (not sure if I used this one either but it was one of the wads I had in worldcarft at the time.) might have used some other wads too, but none which require me to give some credit to the makers of the wad. Known bugs: none Build time: about 5hrs Build computer: pentium 2, 350MHz, 64 MB sdram, 16MB diamond viper 550 Vis level: 12 seconds (extra) Light: 2 seconds (fast vis, full vis took way too long over 4 hrs)




This archive contains 5 files hexagon3.bsp (the map itself. It goes in the fortress\maps directory) fireass.wav letsrock.wav (two new sounds files for map, one is from the movie Spaceballs, the other one is from Aliens. Both these wav files go in the fortress\sound\items directory) hexagon2.txt (It is what you are reading) backpack.mdl this goes in the fortress\progs directory it is either progs or programs I can't remember, anyway you should already have backpack.mdl if you already have TF maps.




OK, Hexagon3 is different to Hexagon2 in only one way other than name and that is that there are no grenade 2s in the map! No mirvs, no nails, no gas, no napalm and unfortunately no EMPs, concs, flares (snipers are really gonna miss these hehe). So therefore unless there is more than 2 people playing it will be a duel in the true spirit of TF style. If I make another update it will be to add smaller sound files:) _____________________________________________________________________________

Additional Credit


I would like to thank id software for making Quake, but more inportantly TFS for making TeamFortress. I would like to thank [Fv]Anthrax, [InK]MongBalls, [InK]Sardoukaur/Dras, and [InK]Mullet/Relapse for getting me into TeamFortress, I know I was initially wary, like I was with ICQ. I would like to thank Avarice for giving me invaluable map making advice and telling me what r_speeds are. And most importantly Venix for uploading the map on the hotwire server so I could beta test Hexagon2 (and it worked very well) I would also like to thank: Clan InK who are (in no order): [InK]Iron Ian/Storm, [InK]M3K1ll, [InK]Venix, [InK]Hustler, [InK]Loose Clit, [InK]Quaken, [InK]Warrior, [InK]Diabolique, [InK]Vader, [InK]Quaken and last but not least... [InK]Dras, Sardoukaur, [InK]MongBalls, [InK]gagarin [InK]Relapse/Mullet and also the following other players: [Fear]Hitman, Voyuer, Dr Evil, [LF]Dr Evil Yoda Beta testers: [InK]Venix, [InK]LooseClit, [InK]Hitman, [InK]M3k1ll, [SoS]OneWeak

Likka Keranen, for the IKbase wad, I'm not sure how many of the textures of the wad I used (if any), but it has got some really nice textures in it.

I would also like to mention some great maps that have inspired me, xcalibr3 (lighting), and by looking at the map version of xcaliber I was able to learn how to make all the TF entities. square1 (idea of a duel TF map) the movie Aliens (I love the movie) the game Aliens vs Predator (If this game wasn't released I may have given up on map making)

PS If any one has got a quake wad file with all the Aliens vs Predator textures in them can you please email me at and I will do my best to get back to you ASAP.




(c) copyright William Hudson 1999. No modification can be made to this map or entities without my premission. You may not use this map for commercial projects without my permission. This map shall be available free to the public and can be transferred to others only if the above mentioned 4 files are included in the zip. You may not add other files to the zip. If you wish to use portions of this map for your own free projects you must ask.
