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Player Synopsis:
From the author: Lockdown by ]KwK[ EvilJim
Files: lockdown.txt (this file)
lockdown.bsp (put in quake/fortress/maps) flagwisp.wav (put in quake/sound/items)
The gameplay of this map is a combination of standard ctf and territorial control (like canalzon). There are three command points in the map, one on each team's balcony and a third in the middle ground between the bases. Once a team controls all three, the teleporter in front of the middle control point becomes accessible to the members of that team. This teleporter leads to the control room, from where access through each base can be modified, allowing for more strategic gameplay than simple ctf.
Gates restrict access through the various parts of each base. The left and right hallways each have three gates, one high and one low at the front end, and one at the back. The main room has two gates, similarly situated at the front and back. A grate in the floor restricts passage through the shaft from the main room to the flag room. A single gate blocks the tunnel between the water pipes and the flag room; when closed, this gate can be opened for ten seconds by damaging it with a detpack.
All of these gates can be opened and shut from within the control room, by shooting the appropriate buttons. Manipulating the gates for one area will affect these gates in both bases.
When you capture a command point, you will respawn immediately; this is due to a bug which prevents the command marker showing up otherwise.
After a team has captured all of the command points, there is a 20 second period where the other team cannot recapture them, in order to avoid stalemates.
Scoring: You score 10 team points for capturing the enemy flag, and 1 point for every 5 seconds your team holds all three command points.
The shootable ceiling buttons scattered around each base allow players of that base's team to respawn. They must be damaged directly (eg shotgun fire or a direct rocket hit); splash damage won't trigger them. The button in each team's respawn will remove any command markers from any player who shoots it.
Map by ]KwK[ EvilJim Thanks to dp and mercury
Textures used:
Mostly original quake textures, some brick and metal textures stolen from Zerstorer, rock floor in the drill room originally from Rorshach's Clockwork Droid texture set for Q3
flagwisp.wav, stolen from Impact.