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The Machine - Download this map!

Image Map Info Player Synopsis/Review

Large and sophisticated map, integrated gameplay.

Player Synopsis:

Player Review: Objectives of the game: capture the enemy flag and a number of objects at the enemy base. Objects of the enemy can (need) be broken, this will open additional passages to his base, including the path to the flag. You can (need) repair your objects, this, accordingly, will close what you have already opened. For breaking and repairing objects, the team also receives points. Breaking and repairing objects is necessary by means of not damaging them with an ax, cartridges or nails. The status of all objects is shown by the corresponding indicators when entering the database, or next to the objects themselves. There is also a blockage, disassembled and assembled back, by means of the childpack, in one of the passages to the base. Some doors in hatchbacks open only for doctors. The map is quite complex, but interesting. To understand what it is necessary to carefully read the attached text file and spend some time familiarizing yourself with the layout of the map. However, it's worth it!

From the author: *** This map was designed for TeamFortress v2.8/2.9 ***

"The supreme authority from which all other authority is derived."

    - Maximize this screen to avoid word wrapping errors -

Title/Worldspawn text : The Machine

                       : [v1.0]
                       : By Orion []

Filename : machn1.bsp

Version : Version 1.0 Final [30/01/00]

Author : Orion [Eddie Wong] Email Address :

Map type : Objective/Capture the Flag

Other maps by author : Fort0rz - The Infiltration [fort0rz2.bsp] : FOV Forts [fovfrt11.bsp] : Callisto [unreleased]

Homepage :

Official Download URLs :

Thanks to

- Firestorm, Cerbius, Razz, Fanatic, and others

  • Play Information *

Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No TeamFortress : Duh Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Textures : Yes New Music : Plays CD Track 4 Demos Replaced : None

  • Construction *

Base : From scratch

Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6 Registered : EntEd 2.0 Registered

Build Time : 12 weeks

Build Details : QBSP std compile 26 min 58 sec : LIGHT extra compile 30 min 28 sec : RVIS level 4 compile 40 min 59 sec

: Total compile time 1 hr 38 min 25 sec

Level vised for GL : No

  • Installation *

Files in this archive:

machn1.bsp - The map. machn1.txt - You're reading it now. rules.txt - Rules - same as 'How to play' below.

Unzip machn1.bsp into your id1\maps or fortress\maps directory.

Run QuakeWorld and connect to the server.

  • How to Play and Other Details *


Demoman clears barricade 0 points Demoman Repairable

Demomen from opposing teams can clear/repair the barricaded entryways located near each base's sniper bunkers. Note that you can blow up your own barricade AS WELL AS the enemy's barricade. Use this to your advantage. Also - you can repair your own barricade as well as the enemy's barricade - but why bother?


Engineer hacks doors 2 points Engineer Not repairable

Engineers from either team can 'hack' the doors of the enemy team's outer resupply room to open up an alternate route into the enemy base's upper floor. To do this, simply shoot away at the console located near these doors until the console lights go out. Note that you cannot repair these doors once they have been 'hacked', so guard them closely!


Deactivate coolant system 2 points, opens pressure door 1 Any class Repairable

Deactivate generator A 2 points, opens pressure door 2 Any class Repairable

Deactivate generator B 2 points, opens chip room door Any class Repairable

To deactivate a component, simply shoot at it until something happens. Grenades (except the nail grenade) will not damage the component. Recommended weapons of war include the assault cannon and super nailgun. Once a component is deactivated, something will happen - lights will go out, doors will be opened...

You can't deactivate your own components, and you can't repair your enemy's components. Duh!

Each team's chip room will only become accessible when their generator B has been deactivated. If their generator B is repaired, their chip room will become inaccessible again.

As you can guess, the chip room is the most important aspect of your base.


Cap the chip 10 points Any class

Repair coolant system 5 points, closes pressure door 1 Any class

Repair generator A 5 points, closes pressure door 2 Any class

Repair generator B 5 points, closes chip room door Any class

Once the enemy chip room is accessible, take their chip back to your base and 'sell it to the highest bidder' by 'capping' it at the pad on the upper floor, or use the chip to repair any one of your components.

To repair a component, simply take the chip from your enemy's chip room back to the component you want to fix. Repairing components will reverse the result of deactivating it - i.e. repairing the coolant system closes off pressure door 1, repairing generator A closes off pressure door 2.

Note that repairing your coolant system, generator A, and generator B will award your team 5 points as well as closing off the respective pressure doors.

Other info

INDICATORS - There are 'indicators' of your generator/coolant status in your base. You'll find these in two locations - on the ground floor to the right of the ground-level entrance, and on the first floor near the window overlooking the yard. If the light is on, that component is functional. If the light is out, that component needs to be repaired.

PRESSURE DOORS - These provide an alternate route into the enemy's generator B/chip room and the lower floor of each base, and are opened by deactivating the associated objectives.

HACKABLE DOORS - These provide an alternate route into the upper floor of each base via the enemy team's outer respawn. You CANNOT resupply in the enemy's respawn room.

SLIME ROUTE 'O' DOOM - This is the underground passageway linking the two bases. Use it at will, but be careful not to fall into the slime!

SNIPER BUNKERS - There are four of these located in the big grassy areas between the bases. Boom!

THE CHIP - If you are killed while carrying the chip, it will drop to the ground for another person to pick up, and remain there for 15 seconds, after which it returns to the corresponding chip room.

GREN2/DETPACK - Gren2s and detpacks are available from each team's outer respawn room with a delay of 5 seconds.

SECRET AREAS - Be careful with that axe, Eugene...


- n/a -

The map is designed in such a way that priorities of teams can vary between 'capping' the chip and keeping their components working.

Happy fragging! Eddie "Orion" Wong January 2000

Revision info

Version 0.1 Early Alpha Released 3 September 1999 LIGHT: normal VIS: none

- First public release, 'early alpha' version.


Version Alpha Released 23 September 1999 LIGHT: normal VIS: level 4

- Too many changes/additions to list here. - Unfinished areas are blocked off with an ugly wood texture.


Version Beta Released 2 October 1999 LIGHT: normal VIS: level 4

- Rules, rules, rules. - Deactivatable/repairable components work. Try 'em. - Coolant system doesn't trigger anything yet. - Gen A doesn't trigger anything yet. - Detpackable entry... isn't detpackable yet. - Entity system isn't 100% final yet. - Hackable doors work. Try 'em. - Pretty-looking respawns. - Switchable lights as indicators of generator/coolant status. - Red base is essentially finished (meaning 90% done). - Unfinished areas are blocked off with an ugly wood texture.


Version 0.9 Final Beta Not released


Version 1.0 Released 30 January 2000 LIGHT: extra VIS: level 4

- First official release. - Cap points for each side made more conspicuous. - You can now jump out the windows overlooking the courtyards of each base. - Lights added in water area, by ladders, to aid navigation. - A few cosmetic changes here and there. - A LOT of other changes from version 0.9 Final Beta. - All entities should be working. - Terse messaging for entities. - Reversed lettering bug on some brushes is still present; these may be fixed in a future version.

  • Copyright *

Copyright © 1999, 2000 Eddie Wong All rights reserved.

This version of the Machine may be freely distributed.

Usage of The Machine as a base for a new level is prohibited without the author's permission.

Usage of The Machine as part of a commercial project is prohibited without the author's permission.

Distribution of The Machine via the Internet for TF gameplay on Quake TF servers is granted without charge and at own risk, as long as this text file is included.

Distribution of The Machine on commercial media is prohibited without the author's permission.

  • Build info *
    • Executing...
    • Command: Copy File
    • Parameters: "C:\PROGRA~1\WORLDC~1\" "d:\games\quake\id1\maps\"

    • Executing...
    • Command: C:\Program Files\WorldCraft\qtools\Qbsp.exe
    • Parameters: d:\games\quake\id1\maps\MACH3

outputfile: d:\games\quake\id1\maps\MACH3.bsp --- LoadMapFile --- d:\games\quake\id1\maps\

2703 brushes
 498 entities
  89 miptex
 383 texinfo

building hulls sequentially... --- Brush_LoadEntity --- 2569 brushes read

CSGFaces ----

17183 brushfaces 45344 csgfaces

8821 mergedfaces

--- SolidBSP --- 13997 split nodes

6886 solid leafs
7112 empty leafs
   0 water leafs

25025 leaffaces 22653 nodefaces

portalize ----

--- FillOutside --- 6614 outleafs --- SolidBSP ---

6869 split nodes
3935 solid leafs
2935 empty leafs
   0 water leafs

17044 leaffaces 14803 nodefaces 6348 outleafs 8180 outleafs --- MergeAll --- 9999 mergefaces writing d:\games\quake\id1\maps\MACH3.prt MODEL: *1 MODEL: *2 MODEL: *3 MODEL: *4 MODEL: *5 MODEL: *6 MODEL: *7 MODEL: *8 MODEL: *9 MODEL: *10 MODEL: *11 MODEL: *12 MODEL: *13 MODEL: *14 MODEL: *15 MODEL: *16 MODEL: *17 MODEL: *18 MODEL: *19 MODEL: *20 MODEL: *21 MODEL: *22 MODEL: *23 MODEL: *24 MODEL: *25 MODEL: *26 MODEL: *27 MODEL: *28 MODEL: *29 MODEL: *30 MODEL: *31 MODEL: *32 MODEL: *33 MODEL: *34 MODEL: *35 MODEL: *36 MODEL: *37 MODEL: *38 MODEL: *39 MODEL: *40 MODEL: *41 MODEL: *42 MODEL: *43 MODEL: *44 MODEL: *45 MODEL: *46 MODEL: *47 MODEL: *48 MODEL: *49 MODEL: *50 MODEL: *51 MODEL: *52 MODEL: *53 MODEL: *54 MODEL: *55 MODEL: *56 MODEL: *57 MODEL: *58 MODEL: *59 MODEL: *60 MODEL: *61 MODEL: *62 MODEL: *63 MODEL: *64 --- FinishBSPFile --- WriteBSPFile: d:\games\quake\id1\maps\MACH3.bsp added 0 texture frames

4561 planes        91220

19526 vertexes 234312

6610 nodes        158640
 383 texinfo       15320

13850 faces 277000 13895 clipnodes 111160

3792 leafs        106176

18942 marksurfaces 37884 68165 surfedges 136330 34427 edges 137708

  89 textures     909680
     lightdata         0
     visdata           0
     entdata       57038
    • Executing...
    • Command: C:\Program Files\WorldCraft\qtools\Light.exe
    • Parameters: -extra d:\games\quake\id1\maps\MACH3

LightFaces ----

extra sampling enabled 498 entities read lightdatasize: 537080 0 switchable light styles 1828.0 seconds elapsed

    • Executing...
    • Command: C:\Program Files\WorldCraft\qtools\Rvis.exe
    • Parameters: d:\games\quake\id1\maps\MACH3

vis ----

3365 portalleafs 10006 numportals average leafs visible: 125 c_chains: 19307009 visdatasize:136213 compressed from 1416665 2459.0 seconds elapsed