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The Ditch V1.0 - Download this map!

Image Map Info Player Synopsis/Review
  • ditch1.bsp: The Ditch V1.0
  • Author: Inphidel [NOVA]
  • Created: 09/09/1998
  • Size: 780K
  • Info: CTF, 2 Teams
  • Map Size: Medium 10-16 players

A mid-sized U-shaped card of the original design.

Player Synopsis: The base can be accessed through the main entrance, by water and jumping onto the balcony. In flagship, there are two ways: the gut and the way through, closed by bars, a corridor with lava. In order to go through this corridor, you need to open the bars with shots in the buttons and jump over something through the lava itself. On the field between the bases there are additional buildings, in the form of towers for snipers. From their roof, through the tunnel in the wall, you can reach the balcony of the base itself.
Player Review: In addition to the fact that the map is very pleasant in design, it is also quite suitable for clanvars. Although, from this point of view, it is not flawless. Firstly, it is a little deaf, and secondly, the armor, issued in the holes, is only wooden. However, despite these shortcomings, the map is well known and playable in the world.

From the author:



Title: The Ditch V1.0

File: ditch1.bsp

Author: Inphidel[NOVA]

Email Address:

Clan URL:

Personal URL:

Previous works: The Darkage [darkage1.bsp]


            Basicly there is 2 forts side by side to eachother with a
            mountain separating them, your mission is to retreave the
            flag from there basment storage area. <how original eh?>
            and bring it to the capture point located on top of your base
            where the sniper nests and cannons are.

to install:

            put the enemy.wav in your fortress\sound\misc
            put the cappin1.wav in your fortress\sound\items
            put the ditch1.bsp in your fortress\maps

that should about do it.


Play Information

Single Player No

Cooperative: No

Capture the Flag: No

Deathmatch: No

Team Fortress: Yes

New Models: No

New Sounds: Yes

New Graphics: No

New Music: No

Mega TF Entities: No



Base: New level from scrach

Editor: Qoole

Know Bugs: None

Build Time: 1 weeks

Qbsp: 15 minutes.

Light: 2 minutes.

Rvis: 20 minutes.

